What is the Gospel?

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand;
repent and believe in the gospel.”
Mark 1:15

We want to share some great news with you! God loves you so much that he sent his only Son, Jesus, to take away your brokenness and sin and bring you a new life. He replaces your guilt and shame with hope.

We have experienced this and we want you to meet Jesus as well. He’s offering you the same free gift to enter into a relationship with him and enter into his kingdom.

Jesus says simply, “Repent, believe the good news, and follow me.” Right now, you can make that decision to turn from your sins, trust him, and he will change your life!

We have answered that call to follow him and our lives have been transformed. In fact, we are still on that journey of following Jesus and we invite you to join us! We love our North Sarasota community and believe the gospel is the hope for every hurting heart and need in this area.

If you are looking to learn more about Jesus and what it means to follow him, if you don’t have a church home, or if you are new to the area and looking for a place to connect and grow, we hope you consider Living Hope. We would love to meet you!

Take a look around our website and please contact us so we can meet you and help you seek God’s plan for your life.